Otávio Oliveira is an Osteopathic Physiotherapist from Brazil. He graduted from Estácio University with a Bachelor´s degree in Physiotherapy. He is postgraduate in Osteopathy from EBOM (Brazilian School of Osteopathy and manual therapy). Otavio also completed the Doctor of Osteopathy program from EBOM | CIPOS (International center of Osteopathy and Posturology). He also has postgraduate certification in postural rehabilitation and spinal stabilization.
Otavio acquired the Specialist title in Osteopathic Physiotherapy from Federal Council of Physiotherapy (COFFITO). He also worked as a professor at the Osteopathic Brazilian school for Physiotherapists.
Otávio´s approach is rooted in the integrative osteopathic clinical reasoning since he realized greater clinical outcomes when following this approach.